Das Buch zur Collagen-Therapie:
Charlotte Kollmorgen:
Collagen-Therapie -
Bilderische Arbeit mit Herzinfaktpatienten in der Rehabilitationsklinik
Bern, 1989
erschienen beim Hans-Huber Verlag
ISBN-10: 3-456-81852-1
ISBN-13: 978-3-456-81852-8
Veröffentlichungen zur Collagen-Therapie finden Sie am unteren Ende diese Website.
First reactions to the book : (deutsch)
"This Book is very interesting. The therapy as you have developed it is, unfortunatley, hardly known inother countries."
Prof. G. Benedetti MD
"Our sincere wishes to your work, your therapeitical successes and espacially on your mature presentation of this convincing form of Art Therapy. You are travelling new and persuasive paths."
Prof. M.-J. Halhuber MD
"Discovering one's self, freeing one's self from fear, tension and aggression and realizing self-motivation, are the results of this form of rehabilitation. C.T. must secure its position next to the other forms of rehabilitation."
Prof. H.-C. Mäurer MD
"The Collage-Therapy provides the opportunity for one to identify with onesself both physically and spiritually, to experience one's self, to refelct about one's own form of living and one's senses and then to verbalize these through communication."
Prof. Dr. K.-H. Menzen
"The manual simplicity of the Collage and its relationship to the wide variety of possibilities of expression lead on one hand to unbelievable artistic results and, on the other hand, to the realm of his social situation and the related psychological effects."
B. Dransfeld MD
(Head Doctor of the Clinic Wannsee of the BfA till 1991)
"This creative work with our heart attack patience is now a real part of the treatment. We no longer want to work without it."
B. Meister MD
(Head Doctor of the Clinic Wannsee of the BfA since 1992)
"Creative action with the support if the Collage can be a sspecially effective form of relieving the patient of his illness and serves to comfort the spirit, the mind. Even patients who have never practised an art form are able to assist volunatrily in their own rehabilitation through active, spontaneous and creative action."
G. Wille MD
(Head Doctor of the Medical Department of the BfA)
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